Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Hip Re-do Day 2

A picture is worth a thousand words.

This morning when I arrived at the hospital the nurse had begun a blood transfusion.  Larry’s blood pressure had dropped very low.  Eventually he received another unit later in the afternoon, which raised his blood pressure and his oxygen levels.  His endorphins were still high from yesterday’s big day, as were mine…..relief that the surgery part was behind him.  So he was feeling good.

The surgeon and his PA arrived at 11:45 and gave details of the surgery.,. most of which I reported in yesterday’s information.  He reported that he did use 300cc from the bone bank for the graft.  Since the hip and surrounding pelvis were rebuilt, the recovery time is going to be almost as extensive as his back surgery.  Larry will be on a walker for a minimum of 3 months, not putting any weight on the surgery leg, in order for the bone to grow together and strong.  From there on, his recovery protocol will just depend on his progress.

Physical therapy today with a very bright young man from Nigeria.  He said he was in the operating room during Larry’s surgery and commented on the surgeon's precision and meticulous work on forming, fitting and refitting the “cage” to make sure it fit perfectly.  This therapist was just as attentive to detail, helping Larry to sit on edge of bed and stand with walker the first time.  It took a tremendous amount of energy and strength for Larry to do this and he was somewhat discouraged that he didn’t move well.  They reminded him that it was only 24 hours since his surgery.

So I left at 7:00 this evening to come back to the room.  He was sleeping and would probably be sleeping most of the evening.  I think tomorrow might be another tough day as his body awakens more and he begins to feel the effects of 6 hours under anesthetic, plus a lot of “poke holes”. 

At this point, it looks like we will be coming home Saturday but there is a lot to be accomplished before then.  And lots more recovery work to be done when we get home.

Larry is one tough guy.  Where does all that inner strength come from?  In case it isn't obvious, I'm quite in love with this guy.


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